Monday, September 7, 2009

Day six

Houston with his bags packed and all ready to leave hospital!

Back at home in his new favourite spot

Houston is home!!!

And we are beside ourselves with joy! It is so great to have him back, and he is slowly getting back to his normal self, before he was sick.

This morning at 0900 I called the hospital and spoke to the specialist. She said that the checkup had shown that he was doing well, he was starting to get interested in food, and, best of all, the lumps in his stomach and kidneys had shrunk a little! All fantastic news.
We made plans to pick him up at her earliest convenience which was 1430.

The day went pretty long for us, we were clock watching til we could go and see him let alone bring him home!

He wasn't in great spirits, he certainly didn't jump up when he saw us, but he was looking a lot better!
While I was paying the bill he meowed at me to hurry up and that is a typical Houston grumpy bum attitude - I don't thin he appreciated us just laughing at him!!!

He was so well behaved in the car, I hope he continues to do so since he'll be making fortnightly visits to the hospital.
When we got home I put out a special tin of food for him and he ate it straight away! He then ate some raw chicken and a little bit of mince.
He then took up residency on our window sill, and then had a nice nap on our bed.

The hospital had given him all the medications he needed today, so his at home treatment begins tomorrow.

Today we settled the rest of Houston's bill.

Chemo (including 2 overnight stays and the IV setup and maintenance) $1229.92
Balance from initial consultation (including 2 overnight stays, blood tests, ultrasounds etc) $836.80

Total vet bill to date $2316.72

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for the 3 of you!

    Hopefully he feels even better as the days go on :)


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